I’ve Been Saying this for HOW Long?

As I have been saying for a while, it has been obvious to anyone watching excess deaths data that Covid-19 deaths are at least 50% higher than reported. 

It appears that the University of Washington’s University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) has come to the same conclusion, though their number is about 100% more than reported, or about 6.9 million deaths with a total world population of about 7.88 billion.

By way of comparison, the death toll from Spanish Influenza was somewhere between 20 and 50 million with a population of 1.80 billion.

A new analysis of the toll of the Covid-19 pandemic suggests 6.9 million people worldwide have died from the disease, more than twice as many people as has been officially reported, with the under reporting being highest in less developed nations.

The numbers are grim:

In the United States, the analysis estimates, 905,000 people have died of Covid since the start of the pandemic. That is about 61% higher than the current death estimate from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 561,594. The new figure also surpasses the estimated number of U.S. deaths in the 1918 flu pandemic, which was estimated to have killed approximately 675,000 Americans.

The analysis was conducted by scientists at the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation.

“We’re probably not yet at the global toll of Spanish flu and certainly not at the death rate from Spanish flu. But given what’s unfolding in India right now, given our expectation of continued deaths, Covid is going to rival Spanish flu at the global level in terms of the count, likely, before we see the end of this epidemic,” the institute’s director, Christopher Murray, told reporters in a briefing.


The estimates are of deaths directly related to Covid, and do not include deaths that resulted from the pandemic’s disruption of health care — for example, people who did not seek care for heart attacks because they were afraid to go to Covid-swamped hospitals.

You can find the study here.

It’s a lot worse than the official numbers.

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