
It appears that Donald Trump shut down his blog, because not enough people were clicking in to his musings.

I’ve been blogging since 2007,* and I’m not giving up.

In fact, I think that I have missed fewer than 10 days since I’ve started blogging.

To be fair, if I did not have this outlet for my unsolicited opinions, I am certain that Sharon would have murdered me long ago:

Former president Donald Trump’s blog, celebrated by advisers as a “beacon of freedom” that would keep him relevant in an online world he once dominated, is dead. It was 29 days old.

Upset by reports from The Washington Post and other outlets highlighting its measly readership and concerns that it could detract from a social media platform he wants to launch later this year, Trump ordered his team Tuesday to put the blog out of its misery, advisers said.

On its last day, the site received just 1,500 shares or comments on Facebook and Twitter — a staggering drop for someone whose every tweet once garnered hundreds of thousands of reactions.

It should surprise no one that delicate snow-flake Donald Trump threw a tantrum about not being treated like a king.

What a prima donna.

*Holy sh%$. That’s almost 14 years. I need to get a life.
Love of my life, light of the cosmos, she who must be obeyed, my wife.

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