- Trump administration sued to release Yemen raid documents (McClatchy) Pass the Popcorn.
- High-Price And Low-Price Physician Practices Do Not Differ Significantly On Care Quality Or Efficiency (Health Affairs) More evidence that the problem with US healthcare is not cost, it’s price.
- The Real Obama (Current Affairs) Now that Obama has left the White House, he is doing what he really wants. This is taking money from Wall Street and hanging out with billionaires. Qu’elle surprise.
- Meet Zuul, destroyer of shins – the 75m-year-old ‘Ghostbuster’ dinosaur (The Guardian) It’s a member of the ankylosaur family. Money quote, “In a nod to its anatomy, the creature’s full scientific name is Zuul crurivastator, which translates as “Zuul, destroyer of shins”. “
John Oliver on the Republican “Health Care Plan”: