- Why it’s time to debunk the Churchill myth (New Statesman) Really not a surprise for an even indifferent student of history. Except for predicting war in Europe correctly (about a dozen times), Churchill had a very long history of being disastrously wrong on everything.
- Why movies look weird at 48fps, and games are better at 60fps, and the uncanny valley… (Accidental Scientist) A full on nerdgasm on motion pictures, the eye, and the human nervous system.
- Why I Drilled Holes in My MacBook Pro and Put It in the Oven (iFixit) It actually f%$#ing worked, go figure.
- Back From Yet Another Globetrotting Adventure, Indiana Jones Checks His Mail And Discovers That His Bid For Tenure Has Been Denied. (McSweeney’s)
- How stupid is a Davos audience, anyway? (Felix Salmon) Thunderous applause for Tom “The Mustache of Banality” Friedman
- The best defenses against Verizon’s invasive, already-being-abused web tracking (PC World) They don’;t mention dumping Verizon like a hot potato.
How to gift wrap your cat:
I am surprised about just how accepting this cat is of this.
My darlings would have drawn blood.
Since it’s been a while, here is a bonus vid:
Post by CollegeHumor.