This is What Happens When You F%$# With User Interfaces, Just Because

That is what the much loathed ribbon is all about, and now Windows 8, which has managed to underperform Vista’s market acceptance:

Final online usage numbers for 2012 released Tuesday confirmed that Windows 8 failed to match Windows Vista’s uptake pace during its first two months.

Preliminary numbers from Net Applications last week indicated that Windows 8 would end the month behind Vista’s uptake at the same point in its release cycle. Yesterday’s data confirmed the earlier projections by Computerworld.


Apple gets that while a smart phone and a tablet are similar things, that neither of them are a PC, so for tablets and iPhones, you have IOS, and for the MacIntosh, they still run OSX, which is a conventional keyboard and mouse Operating system.

Windows may be a good tablet/phone OS, but for a conventional PC, it sucks wet farts from dead pigeons.

Seriously, it’s worse than Google’s light gray on white color scheme that has become their standard.

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