History Repeats Itself, First as Tragedy, Second as Farce

So said Karl Marx, who must have had Allen “The Craziest Mother F%$#er in Congress” West in mind:

Voice Inside Allen West’s Head Told Him That 80 House Democrats Belong to the Communist Party [Updated]

One of the most ridiculous names — and there will be a lot of them — in the ongoing GOP veepstakes is Florida congressman, tea partier, and crazy person Allen West. Herman CainSarah Palin, and fellow veepstakes participant Nikki Haley have all endorsed West as Romney’s running mate recently. We suspect, though, that none of them sincerely believe West is a viable option, and are simply currying favor with the tea-party wing of the GOP by flattering one of its champions. Because West is, actually, the exact type of person you don’t want as a running mate: A wildly outspoken, unpredictable loose cannon. His appearance at a town hall last night is just the latest example:

The conservative tea party icon also got in shots at Democrats and President Obama, who spoke Tuesday at Florida Atlantic University. West said Obama was “scared” to have a discussion with him. He later said “he’s heard” up to 80 U.S. House Democrats are Communist Party members, but wouldn’t name names.

You know, this is so Joe McCarthy in Wheeling West Virginia on February 9, 1950, and it’s farce, and I’d call Allen West is a f%$#ing clown, but this would be unfair to people who make clown pr0n.

BTW, don’t Google the term “Clown Porn”.  Or if you do, don’t let me know.  I have way too much that I need to un-know already.

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