It’s On (Sort of)

Stephen Colbert has passed the Colbert super PAC to Jon Stewart, (the special effects involved could be best described as “low budget”) and established an “exploratory committee” to “explore” run for the Republican nomination in his native South Carolina.


He could probably beat John Huntsman.

The video will be up on Comedy Central tomorrow some time.


  1. Anonymous says:

    <span>wow…. if you believe that Obama is a Republican, I have a 4 lane bridge to sell to you real cheap. I guess you dems just can't admit that when you have a guy in office passing the policies you really want passed, that it turns out BAD FOR THE COUNTRY!!! </span>

  2. Anonymous says:

    <span>wow…. if you believe that Obama is a Republican, I have a 4 lane bridge to sell to you real cheap. I guess you dems just can't admit that when you have a guy in office passing the policies you really want passed, that it turns out BAD FOR THE COUNTRY!!! </span>

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