Speaking of Back Loaded Bribery………

Did you hear the one about the SEC chair who got a choice gig on the GE Board of Directors for protecting the banksters?

Well, now you have:

Mary L. Schapiro is starting to get a taste of opportunities in the private sector after stepping down as chairwoman of the Securities and Exchange Commission in December.

General Electric announced on Monday that it had nominated Ms. Schapiro to serve as one of its directors. She will stand for election at the company’s annual meeting on April 24.

The G.E. board position will certainly pay her more than she made in government service. G.E. paid its directors about $250,000 in 2011; at the S.E.C., her annual salary was around $165,000. Presumably, there will be other board positions and job offers, although Ms. Schapiro has not hinted at her future career aspirations.

“Future career aspirations?”

I believe that her “future career aspirations” are spelled “Ka-Ching!

If we could hook a generator to the revolving door that she is using, we could power the world.

Unfortunately, this is a feature, not a bug of live in the nation’s capitol.

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