Vermont Passes Conference Committee Version of Single Payer

So it now goes to the governor, who has promised to sign the bill.

My take on this is very straightforward: It won’t get the waivers needed to be implemented, because employers in the region would leave skid marks to open up offices in Vermont if it did, which would have a cascading “race to the top” which would render much of the US health insurance irrelevant, and Barack Obama aggressively lobbied to prevent such an option for the states for his healthcare bill.

I’m not sure whether it is philosophy (Obama honestly believes that the solution has to be private because of his philosophy), or if it is expediency (Obama needs to raise a billion dollars for the 2012 campaign, and the FIRE sector is the source of much of that money), but the effect is the same:  He will not allow this plan to proceed to fruition.

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