OK, I Don’t Have Much to Add on the Assassination and Shooting Spree

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These are on the days preceding the shooting

But Brad Delong finds a rather alarming data point.

Here are two members of Congress, both Democrats, from the same state, but in the 4 days before the shooting, Gifford’s hits on her wiki page skyrocketed.

There are a number of caveats here:

  • Even with the delta, the number is pretty small, under 400 hits peak over a 4 day period.
  • This could have been triggered by something as innocent as a mass email to constituents.
  • It could be one person, obsessively visiting the page.

It could also be:

  • The result of some obscure right wing media figure calling her out.
  • The result of a small group of people involved in a conspiracy. (Unlikely, this seems to be the archetypal Lone Gunman).

Anyone aware of any event that might support some the more prosaic explanations?

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