The Obama Department of Justice has elected not to prosecute CIA officials who obstructed justice by erasing torture tapes:
Central Intelligence Agency officials will not face criminal charges for the destruction of dozens of videotapes depicting the brutal interrogation of terrorism suspects, the Justice Department said Tuesday.
After a closely watched investigation of nearly three years, the decision by a special federal prosecutor is the latest example of Justice Department officials’ declining to seek criminal penalties for some of the controversial episodes in the C.I.A.’s now defunct detention and interrogation program. The destruction of the tapes, in particular, was seen as so striking that the Bush administration itself launched the special investigation after the action was publicly disclosed.
Government officials said Tuesday that the special prosecutor, John H. Durham, could still decide to charge current and former C.I.A. officers and lawyers with making false statements to a grand jury over the course of the investigation, which began in January 2008.
Yes, they could, “Charge current and former C.I.A. officers and lawyers with making false statements,” but they won’t because they want to cover this up because Obama and Holder fear a future prosecution by a future Republican administration want to “look forward, not backward.”
Respect for the rule of law, my ass.