And here they are, ordered, and numbered for the year so far.
- First Bank of Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL
- Progress Bank of Florida, Tampa, FL
- The Gordon Bank, Gordon, GA
- The First National Bank of Barnesville, Barnsville, GA
- First Suburban National Bank, Haywood, IL
- Hillcrest Bank, Overland Park, KS
- First Arizona Savings, A FSB, Scottsdale, AZ
So, after a lull of a few weeks, things appear to be ramping up again.
6 7 banks, there have been 10 6 weeks with 6 7 or more closures so far this year, and it’s week 42.
Not pretty
So, here is the graph pr0n with trendline (FDIC only):
I would note that are now at the point where the utility of the least squares trendline is diminishing, but I’m keeping it here for historical purposes.