I guess that is no surprise that John Kerry and Harry Reid have given up on climate change legislation.
The only bright side is that it was a pretty sucky bill which would have handed the Vampire Squid* and Their Evil Minions™ a new market mechanism to rape.
If Obama has any balls, and he doesn’t, he will get moving to have the EPA draw up regulations, ones with real teeth make the coal, oil, and gas state Congressmen sweat.
In order to capture legislators hearts and minds on this issue, you need to get them by the balls first.
*Alas, I cannot claim credit for the bon mot describing Goldman Sachs as a, “great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.” This was coined by the great Matt Taibbi, in his article on the massive criminal conspiracy investment firm, The Great American Bubble Machine.