Yes, the Shrill One Is Shrill

Paul Krugman compares the justification behind European austerity programs to the infamous French strategy in World War I.

He’s right, of course.

The statements by ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet that austerity in the face of a depression will win through the creation of confidence is much like the infamous Plan XVII envisioned by the French to win the war through the confidence and fighting spirit of the French citizen (élan), as described by Baraba Tuchman in her book The Guns of August:

Entirely offensive in nature, Plan XVII made extensive use of the belief in the mystical élan vital assumed to be instilled within every Frenchman – a fighting spirit capable of turning back any enemy by its sheer power.

Needless to say, Plan XVII was as meaningful an idea as the statement by a British General during the same period of something to the effect of, “A machine gun bullet cannot stop a horse.”

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