Not Long Enough

Shalom Rubashkin, the former owner of the Agriprocessors kosher slaughterhouse, has received a 27-year sentence.

There are a lot of people who will consider the sentence excessive; it is more that people like Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling got, but Lay and Skilling, while crooks, never put children to work on the line of a meat packing plant, and Mr. Rubashkin did.


  1. Free Sholom Rubashkin says:

    Would you consider their parents who taught them to lie and bought them false papers to gain employment to help support their families also "evil" and deserving a criminal persecution?

  2. Old Pinko says:

    The words "exploited" and "desperate" come to mind, not "evil."

    The "Invisable Man" in the immigration problem has always been those who employ these desperate people who brave crossing dangerous border areas to take jobs at sub-standard wages and horrific working conditions to better their families lot in life.

    If we're ever to do anything really constructive to solve this problem, we need to stop wasting our resources and simply make sure that if you hire illegal workers, you will go to prison.

    If no one is hiring them, they no longer will come in such numbers. Unable to find these jobs, many who are here will go home.

    This, coupled with a sane foreign policy that fosters real economic developement in these people's home countries that will create middle classes in them is the only long term solution to this problem.

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