Lieberman and Obama, and the Shark that They Jumped

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This is one big shark that he jumped.
With Frikken Lasers!

It appears that the excessive wankerage of Joseph Lieberman on healthcare has even gotten the Villagers, specifically nepotism affirmative action hire Luke Russert (video at link), and wannabe villager Ezra Klein to admit that perhaps, just perhaps, Joseph Lieberman is not acting out of moral conviction, but instead is acting out of a need for revenge.

When you have guys like this calling Joe Lieberman small and petty, and, well basically evil, Holy Joe has done more than jump a shark, he’s jumped the shark, specifically, he’s jumping C. Megalodon*.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that Obama and His Stupid Minions are getting a clue on this, or that they understand that Joe just wants to turn the knife, and will keep pulling the football away, because his goal is to punish liberals for not recognizing his brilliance and moral superiority over the past 9 years.

Harry Reid, no doubt wanting to avoid Chris Dodd’s fate, where Dodd was hung out to dry by the administration for doing Geithner’s bidding and putting in a loophole on banker salaries, is now leaking like a seive, with sources who are clearly from his office saying that, Rahm Emanuel personally pressured Reid give in to Lieberman’s extortion. (See also here and here here)

As a result of this, 81% Of Dememocrats want Lieberman’s chairmanship of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee pulled, which to my mind, would be a good thing, because the Senate Democrats would have to start learning to live with 50+ the Vice President to pass a bill, and people like Lieberman (and Lincoln and Baucus) would be told to go pound sand.

If you want any more evidence of bad faith, Lieberman admits that he’s flipped on the Medicare option because liberals like it:

And he said he was particularly troubled by the overly enthusiastic reaction to the proposal by some liberals, including Representative Anthony Weiner, Democrat of New York, who champions a fully government-run health care system.

(emphasis mine)

You see, it’s all about pissing off liberals. It does not matter if hundreds of thousands of people die every year because of lack of insurance, Lieberman wants to punish liberals.

Joe Lieberman is a venal sociopath.

*The largest shark, and likely largest predator fish ever. It died out some 1.5 million years ago. The Genus is still in dispute, between either Carcharodon (Great White) or Carcharocles (broad toothed Mako). So in jumping C. Megalodon, you have jumped the biggest shark ever.

One comment

  1. Old Pinko says:

    Lieberman's disgusting behavior is completely understandable.

    He is going for the big big bribe. He's not going to run in 2012 even though he'll pretend in order to collect campaign money from fools-and the insurance industry again..

    Lieberman is grandfathered into that class of Senators who can keep unspend campaign funds when they retire.

    Lieberman hasn't a chance in Hell of being reelected as five our of six people in his state hate what he's doing.

    After bilking supporters and collecting another bundle from the Insurance Industry, he'll retire to join his wife, the long time shill for Insurance Industry interests by getting a very well paying, almost no show "consultant" job as a reward for killing hundreds of thousands of Americans.

    See Joe Conason here:

    They should not only strip him of his charimanships, but consign him to the deepest, darkest unremarked position they can. Junior Senator on the Lint Management committee.

    It's too bad that the citizens of Connecticut can't pass around a recall petition but the Govenor is a Republican.

    Lieberman is a worthless piece of egotistical scum.

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