Of Course It’s Rahm

I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on here!

The House Hispanic Caucus is blaming Rahm Emanuel for the efforts to completely exclude illegal aliens from the health care system.

While I understand the argument that illegals should not get taxpayer money, to the degree that they participate in the plan, it lowers the cost for the rest of us, so this is literally cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face.

Rahm Emanuel, and the Obama White House, are shocked (see pic), shocked, to find that there are people accusing them of race baiting on this bill.

Well, it’s not surprising, Emanuel has been demagoguing the immigration issue, with the help of his DINO friend, and clay headed quarterback Heath Shuler for years.

It took a revolt of the House Hispanic Caucus to stop him last time.

Rahm Emanuel’s modus operandi has always been to sh%$ on Democratic core constituencies wherever possible, and this has Rahm’s fingerprints all over it.

What’s more, looking at a time-line of his career, it’s pretty clear that if Rahm wants it, it’s bad for the Democrats.

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