Breaking: Greg Craig Out as White House Counsel

This was the point man on closing down the gulag at Guantanamo, drafting the memo that called for closing it within a year, as well as the point man on releasing the Bush White House torture memos, and now he’s been fired (resigned) in a classic Friday afternoon bury the news tactic.

My guess is that this means that Barack Obama intends to “embrace and extend”, indefinite detention, probably at Bagram rather than Gitmo, show trials called military commissions, and torture, but YMMV.

In any case, replacing him will be Robert Bauer, who was Barack Obama’s personal attorney from 2005 onwards, as well as the general council for both the DNC and OFA, so I think that what we are getting here is someone who will be a providing justifications for actions, as opposed to reviewing them for legality.

Think Alberto “Abu” Gonzales writ small.

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