The Rundown on Rahmbo

Jane Hamshire has a rundown of Rahm Emanuel’s history, and it shows that now only is he on the wrong side of every issue on the merits, he also creates political disasters for the party.

It is very good reading, where she shows that he was on the wrong side of NAFTA, the Iraq war, healthcare, etc.

The money quote is:

Rahm doesn’t think about Democratic turnout. His reputation for “winning a Democratic majority” rests on his ability as a self-promoter to take credit for victories that happened in spite of him. The truth is that his “act more like Republicans” strategy just hasn’t worked out, and we’re getting whiffs of the disaster it spells for Democrats who follow it. [She is referring to Criegh Deeds frantic run away from national Democrats, as well as the poor showing of pro-War Dems in 2006]

Go read. This guy has a history of failing upward that rivals Dick Cheney’s.

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