Election Results

I’m heading off to bed, but here are the numbers from NY-23 and the Hate Amendment in Maine.

It looks like I was wrong on NY-23. Owens could win, though I am not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Unfortunately, I was right on Maine. The bigots won again.

88% reporting N.Y. District 23

N.Y. District 23
Candidate Party Votes Pct.
Bill Owens Dem. 60,458 49.0%
Doug Hoffman Con. 56,174 45.5
Dede Scozzafava Rep. 6,796 5.5

It looks to me like Hoffman would need to pull in more than 60% of the remaining votes to win this, but I think that the wingnut precincts are reporting late.

76% reporting Maine: Reject Gay Marriage Law

Maine: Reject Gay Marriage Law
Answer Party Votes Pct.
Yes 231,273 52.2%
No 211,634 47.8

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