Well, I was Wrong on This One

The Republicans did release an alternative healthcare reform plan. (230 page PDF)

I had said that they wouldn’t because it would be so awful that it would drive fence-sitters the other way.

It appears that I was right on the 2nd part though, it looks to be te suck. Main features:

  • Removes state jurisdiction from insurance companies. (Freeing the market, don’t you know).
  • Whacks malpractice claims with little or no savings. (Lack of savings has been proven in around a dozen states now.)
  • Assigns pre-existing conditions to very high risk pools, and does not require insurers to cover them.
  • Does not prohibit rescission, the cancellation of insurance when you get sick.
  • Allows employers to form groups to buy insurance, but allows insurance companies to exclude companies with workforces that are too sick, or too old.

Alan Grayson ha the summary weeks ago:

If you get sick America, the Republican health care plan is this: die quickly. That’s right. The Republicans want you to die quickly if you get sick.

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