My Predictions for Tomorrow

My prediction record is awful, but here goes:

  • NY-23: Doug Hoffman wins easily.
  • VA-Gov: McDonnell wins easily.
  • NJ-Gov: Corzine in a squeaker, driven by a strong ground game.
  • Main Hate Amendment: Hate wins.


  1. Old Pinko says:

    The media keeps telling us that Mr. Hoffman does not live in the district.

    While not being a Constitutional expert, I seem to remember that you actually do have to have a permenant residence in the congressional district you are trying to represent. Thus, how can Hoffman win?

    Am I missing something here?

  2. Matthew G. Saroff says:

    There is no requirement in some states that a person actually live in that district.

    Maryland, for example, allows people to run in a Congressional district where they do not live.

    That is up to the states, and varies with jurisdiction.

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