I Guess That it’s Now the “Not George W. Bush” Prize, not the Nobel

I’m not saying that Barack Obama won’t deserve the Nobel Peace Prize some day, but he certainly does not deserve his award of the prize today.

I dunno, maybe people like Morgan Tsvangirai, who accomplished something like reforms in Zimbabwe at significant personal risk and cost, were just busy flying that day, like Gary Kildall was with IBM.

BTW, I think that there should be a “Not George W. Bush” prize, and there is a better than even chance that Barack Obama deserves this, excluding the who Habeas, prosecuting torture, too big to fail stuff.

You know, this does remind me a lot of Ronald Reagan, in a good way, in that it appears that Obama could fall into a cesspool, and come out smelling like a lilac.

The only thing that I can figure is that the Nobel committee decided that this would be the best way for them to pressure Obama to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

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