The Baucus Bill is too Lame for Ezra Klein

If you haven’t followed Ezra Klein, he got hired as a blogger by the Washington Post, and since then, he’s done his level best to show that he’s one of the Beltway Kule Kidz, repeatedly posting about how it’s only those DFH’s* who care about the public option.

Well, after all this time, Mr. Klein finally looks at the product of his best bud Max Baucus, and even he sees that it is completely inadequate:

  • The coops are divided up state by state.
  • They cannot cooperate for, or write policies for, large companies.
  • They have to bargain with providers individually, so they cannot set payment standards.

What’s more, for all of his show of bipartisanship, he has failed to secure the support of a single Republican.

Can we run a primary against him, please?

*Dirty F%$#ing Hippies
FWIW, they aren’t DFH’s, I am. I don’t just want a public option, or single payer, I want a National Health Service (NHS), because I think that the system is too broken to allow for any potential point of entry for the health insurers.

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