JSF Engine Update

There is actually a fair amount going on here, with the F135 engine experiencing a test at supersonic conditions on the test stand. They discovered bits of engine, specifically fan tips on the integrally bladed first and second stage fans, flying out the nozzle at the back.

At this point, there is no evidence of foreign object damage, they have found no missing bolts or the like, but the cause is still unclear.

Along with this news, we have a report that defense acquisition chief Carter has ordered a high level investigation of the state of the F135 engine, particularly with regard to cost and schedule, as there are reports that it’s about 30% over budget.

It’s kind of ironic than that the Senate Appropriations defense subcommittee eliminated funding for the alternate F136 engine a few days ago, though chairman Inouye strongly implied that it would find its way to funding in conference committee.

I think that the primary motivator for killing the F136 engine is because they want to save money now, even if it costs more later, but the cost and technical issues with the F135 would seem to make this less likely.

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