I Bet They Didn’t Expect the Spanish Inquisition

Two investigating judges in Spain who are investigating the torture of Spanish citizens by the United States are demanding more details regarding the Department of Justice investigation.

What is going on here is that the Spanish Judges would be obligated to drop their criminal investigation of if the DoJ was engaging in a credible investigation of Gonzales, Bybee, John, Addington, Feith, and Haynes:

Under Spanish law, the opening of a criminal investigation covering the same matters by the United States would probably lead to the termination or suspension of a case in Spain grounded on universal jurisdiction. However, the Spanish authorities tentatively concluded that suspension of their cases was not warranted at this point because Holder had placed so many limitations on Durham’s work and because it does not appear that Durham is being asked to examine the cases involving the Spanish subjects who were held at Guantanamo.

(emphasis mine)

You see, the problem here is that the Obama administration is just too busy kowtowing to Glenn Beck’s smallest and most delusional whim.

Here is a hint for Barack Obama and His Stupid Minions: Americans are not that into ideology, but they hate wimps.

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