Marine Generals Call Cheney a Fearful Bitch

Retired Marine Corps Generals Charles Krulak and Joseph Hoar have penned an OP/ED titled, “Fear was no excuse to condone torture

In the fear that followed the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, Americans were told that defeating Al Qaeda would require us to “take off the gloves.” As a former commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps and a retired commander-in-chief of U.S. Central Command, we knew that was a recipe for disaster.

But we never imagined that we would feel duty-bound to publicly denounce a vice president of the United States, a man who has served our country for many years. In light of the irresponsible statements recently made by former Vice President Dick Cheney, however, we feel we must repudiate his dangerous ideas — and his scare tactics.


Let’s be clear here. These are retired Generals, criticizing not only a former Vice President of the United States, but the entire administration he was in, and they have chosen their words carefully.

When they choose to describe the decisions made by Bush and His Evil Minionsas having been made out of fear, they are saying that these are evil acts made by cowards who are out of their mind with fear.

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