People Who Should Not Be Reporters

Monica Hesse of the Washington Post, who went whining to their ombudsman.

You see, she wrote a puff piece about homophobic bigot Brian Brown, a major lobbyist against gay civil rights, and “The day before returning [from her vacation], she logged on to check e-mails — and wept.

She wrote a puff piece, in the best tradition of Post writers being played by right wing blow-hards, and she crossed a line, and real people, as opposed to the right wing rent-a-crowd, took offense.

She was assigned the piece, and wrote it in order to ensure that she would not get irate email, and was crushed when she got irate email.

Notwithstanding her professed bisexuality, at least as related to the ombudsman, her problem is not her position on gay marriage, nor is it that she wrote a puff piece.

Her problem is that she clearly wrote this article to avoid confrontation, and when she got confrontation anyway, “she wept.”

She is in the wrong line of work. A journalist has to believe that irate letters are a mark of honor.

H/t Atrios.

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