It Would Be Nice if Obama Didn’t Try So Hard to Emulate the Worst Excesses of Bush and His Evil Minions&trade

In this case, it’s his veto threat of the intelligence authorization bill, because the notification requirements have been strengthened in it.

As opposed to just notifying the gang of 8 (4 actually) who are not allowed to discuss the contents with anyone else, the whole intelligence committee would have to be notified.

It appears that Barack Obama wants to preserve the, “long tradition spanning decades of comity between the branches regarding intelligence matters,” which BTW, involves the CIA having, “affirmatively lied to” the panel, according to House Intelligence Chairman Silvestre Reyes.

The idea that a briefing be given in a closed room, with no notes taken, and so few people as to make verification of a felony impossible is somehow “comity,” is setting George Orwell spinning so rapidly in his grave that he could power all of Sussex.

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