Tom Daschle Would Suck Off a Corpse for a Cheeseburger

To quote great Matt Taibbi, and there is no better evidence of this than his eagerness hook up with Viagra pitchman Bob Dole to kill the public option in healthcare reform, because, after all, his job is to lobby for, among other unsavory paracites, health insurance companies:

“While I feel very strongly that consumers should have the choice of a national, Medicare-like plan, my colleagues do not. . . But we were concerned that the ongoing health reform debate is beginning to show signs of fracture on the public plan issue, so in order to advance the process of developing bipartisan legislation and to move it forward, it’s time to find consensus here,” Daschle said.

So, Daschle’s solution is to have no real healthcare reform, but tho throw billions (trillions?) at his clients in the insurance industry and placing a mandate on the rest of the country.

Tom Daschle makes me happy that Harry Reid is now Senate Majority Leader….I can’t believe that I just said that.

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