Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!?!?!?!?

It appears that two “Democratic” State Senators in New York State just switched sides, and may have handed over controll of the State Senate to the ‘Phants.

There are elections in 2010, and it’s pretty clear that the Republican Gerrymandering of the State Senate had already run into its limits, but I gotta figure that the knives are really out for Governor David Paterson now, because he, and his staff, are supposed to be all over this sort of stuff.

FWIW, there are rumors that this is about anti-gay bigotry, and the fact that the Senate would pass a gay marriage bill, but this story seems to indicate that it’s just an old fashioned, and legal, political payoff, with positions promised in exchange for votes.

Attorney General Cuomo, you need to go from “no plans”, to, “Yes, I am running.”

As an aside, I think that having a federally court imposed redistricting in 2011 or so would be better than letting the Republicans Gerrymander again.

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