Pelosi Says that CIA Is Lying

I’m inclined to agree, since, as I have already noted, both Senators Rockefeller and Graham confirm her account of CIA briefings.

In any case, Nancy Pelosi has upped the ante now, and she has specifically called the CIA out as liars:

At a contentious news conference Thursday, Mrs. Pelosi said that during the 2002 briefing, “we were told that waterboarding was not being used.” Mrs. Pelosi acknowledged that as the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, she was briefed on Sept. 4, 2002, about waterboarding, a form of simulated drowning that critics, including President Barack Obama, call torture. But she said CIA officials told her and other lawmakers only that the Justice Department had concluded the procedure was legal.

This is interesting, because it may force Obama, whether he likes it or not, to put his support behind an investigation of the torture issue, as opposed to his desire to cover it up put it behind us.

It would be amusing if ‘Phant attacks on Pelosi end up precipitating a full investigation of this matter.

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