File Under: I Used to Be Disgusted, Now I Try to Be Amused

It appears that the Treasury Department is stonewalling the body charged with monitoring the various bank bailouts.

But “without a clearer explanation” about parts of the program, “it is not possible to exercise meaningful oversight over Treasury’s actions,” said Elizabeth Warren, a Harvard Law School professor who leads a special congressional oversight panel monitoring the TARP program. Her comments came in a Senate Finance Committee hearing on the bailout program.

Noting that TARP passed Congress six months ago, Warren said that her group has repeatedly called on the Treasury Department to provide a clear strategy for the program — and that “the absence of such a vision hampers effective oversight.”

Dr. Warren, this is not a but, it’s a feature.

Geithner is a former Federal Reserve Bank of New York president. Opacity and secrecy are how they think that it’s supposed to work.

That’s the whole idea behind the Federal Reserve system.

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