Economics Update

To no one’s surprise, the Federal Reserve has extended its multi-trillion dollar so called liquidity facilities another 6 months, better known as the sh$tpile for cash program:

In addition to prolonging the currency swap lines that were due to expire on April 30, the U.S. central bank said it would extend through October 30 a host of other programs providing liquidity to the U.S. commercial paper and money markets, and to large Wall Street firms.

They’ve already spent in excess of 8 trillion dollars bailing out insolvent banks, but they think that more of the same will help.

The Federal Reserve is broken as an institution. It is run by and for the banks.

We also have aggressive stimulus programs ramping up in Australia and Japan.

Meanwhile, real estate and construction continues to be a disaster with US construction falling 1.4% in December and 5.1% for 2008, the largest drop since records began being kept in 1993, and the Homeownership rate has fallen to the 2000 level, so much for Bush’s “Ownership Society….In stead of owning, we got pwn3d.* With current equity losses of US home owner pegged at $3.3 trillion, a new record on vacant homes 19 million.

Even alleged good news in real estate, that the Pending Home Sales Index rose in December is pretty hollow, because, money quote from CR, “The biggest gains were in areas with the biggest improvements in affordability.”

So, if your house prices have dropped by 40+%, as they have in parts of California and Florida then homes might be moving…Otherwise, not so much.

Still real estate is not as bad off as the auto industry, with GM and Chrysler offering buyouts to all of their hourly workers, Ford posting 40.2% drop in January U.S. sales, and GM dropping 49%, Chrysler down 55% LLC, with the Japanese car makers seeing their sales dropping about 30% each

BTW, it appears that China may be headed for a period of economically induced social unrest, because more than one in seven rural migrant workers, more than 20 million, are unemployed.

In a nation that has systematically eliminated its safety net, 20 million pissed off unemployed people can make a lot of trouble.

In energy, I’m not sure if $40/bbl is the bottom, or if OPEC cuts are working, but oil was up today, and it appears that we have found a bottom there.

In currency, there dollar was down as there was less “flight to safety.”

*Leet speak for “owned”.

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