Chuck Colson

So, George W. Bush just gave the Presidential Citizens Medal to Charles W. “Chuck” Colson.

Charles Colson, notwithstanding his “finding God” in the stir, is a nasty piece of work, and arguably the single person most responsible for bringing down Richard Nixon.

When Nixon vented about shooting someone, Colson would buy a gun, and it was largely covering up for Colsons excesses that got the scandals flowing.

Of all the rat-f&^%ers in the Nixon administration (their term) he was the worst, and now as head of the Prison Fellowship, he has repeatedly engaged in efforts to use the prison system to force conversion of inmates.

I don’t mean outreach, I mean the creation of special programs with special privileges to coerce prisoners into being “born again.”

I hope that Gary Sinise, who also got the award, felt embarrassed to share a stage with Colson, but since he’s a wingnut too, I would think any feeling of discomfort or shame unlikely.

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