Senior Citi Executives Accused of Insider Trading

Please, just throw all of them, particularly Bob Rubin, in Jail, because enough is enough:

An investor lawsuit contends that Citigroup Inc insiders, including senior counselor and former U.S. Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, sold more than $150 million of their own shares at inflated prices while concealing the bank’s true financial health.

Rubin has to be front and center in all this, because he’s….well, he’s front and center in all this.

Every time you see a problem, his name crops up, either as a financial actor or a political one, and yes, criminalizing this sort of revolving door would be a very good thing.

In order to show real accountability, those who knew, or should have known, and with the stock dumping it is clearly the former, and were in a position to do something about this, need to be punished.

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