And Round One of Waxman – Dingell Is Called for Waxman

As you may be aware, Henry Waxman is challenging John Dingell for chairmanship of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and today, the Democratic Steering Committee went 25 to 22 for Waxman.

I think that there are a number of things that may trump Dingell’s seniority (He’s the longest serving Dem in Congress).

  • He has been awful on global warming, because he’s the Big 3 (2½) auto makers’ bitch.
  • The recognition that one of the reasons that the Big 3 (2½) auto makers are in such bad shape is that the Congress never took steps to move beyond the 1970s CAFE regulation, because Dingell is Big 3 (2½) auto makers’ bitch.
  • There is also, I think, a desire for a bit of a shakeup, to better reflect what is now a relatively young Democratic caucus in Congress.
  • The vote was a secret ballot, so there is little chance for retribution.
  • Waxman’s ability to count votes is legendary, and the mere fact that he is challenging Dingell makes people wonder if he already has this sewn up. If so, they do not want to be on the losing side.

Me, I’m rooting for Waxman.

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