Speaking of Insubordination

How about Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, who is now dissing the Iraqi status of forces agreement even before the ink is dry:

The withdrawal of US forces from Iraq, set to be completed by the end of 2011 under a proposed deal between Baghdad and Washington, should depend on the situation on the ground, US military chief Admiral Michael Mullen said on Monday.

“I do think it is important that this be conditions-based,” Mullen told reporters, referring to the eventual withdrawal of US forces from Iraq.

We have an agreement negotiated by the civilian leaders of both countries, and just now approved by the Iraqi cabinet, and he is already saying that he is opposed to the central feature of that agreement.

This is largely an artifact of the fact that Bush and His Evil Minions&trade politicized the military, and that Bill Clinton did not fire Colin Powell when he should have, which has emboldened his successors.

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