So, Charlie Went on a Hike Today

As a part of his being with Webelos, the last year of Cub Scouts. The whole family went with him.

I try to keep my involvement with the Boy Scouts to a minimum, the Supreme Court may have given them the right to be bigots, but it doesn’t mean that being a bigot is the right thing, so I don’t take an active role in the organization.

Basically I won’t ever do anything that would have me donning one of their insignia.

In any case, the hike was was three miles down the path that was once the NCR (North Central Railroad) line.

It’s ind of a pity to see rail lines torn up.

1½ miles each way, for a total of 3 miles heading south from Monkton. It was rather chilly.

At the end, there was a little sweet/coffee shop, and we had coffee (adults) and hot cocoa (kids), along with a sweet snack.

It was a nice afternoon.

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