Election Updates

Democratic stronghold Multnomah County (Portland) is among the last of the counties to finish up, and now it looks like Merkley has defeated Smith for the Oregon Senate, according to the Oregonian analysis.

In Georgia, it looks like there will be a runoff for the senate. It will be a long shot, but Chambliss is a human stain, and it’s the only election, at least until Ted Stevens gets kicked out of the Senate.

In CO-4, Marilyn Musgrave lost to Betsey Markey which hopefully puts an end to the explosions of bigotry that have eminated from Musgrave in her attempts to protect us from “Te Gay”.

In New York, the state Republican party is in the wilderness for at least a decade. They lost the state senate, and in an increasingly Democratic state, this means that they will be unable to Gerrymander themselves into viability as they have over the past two decades.

Please, redistrict now in New York.

In MD-1 it’s still to close to call, with Frank Kratovil ahead of Fred Flintstone the Antedeluvian Andrew Harris by less than 1000 votes, 160,915 to 160,000, with 25,539 absentee ballots returned so far, 11,371 Dem, 10,924 Rep, and 3,244 ind.

But Kratovil does appear to be in the lead, even if he has not locked it up yet.

Burner-Reichert, WA-08, is still too close to call.

In the Minnesota senate, the margin is around 400 votes, which calls for a mandatory runoff, but of course, Coleman is telling Franken that the right thing to do for the country is to give up….What a weasel.

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