Sarah Palin Her Emails, and Her Blatant Disregard for the Truth

Or perhaps is’s a disregard for reality. With her, it’s hard to tell.

In any case For what it’s worth, the Anchorage Daily News just cut her a new one* over her claims of vindication.

In any case, we now have her ordered to preserve her private emails from her Yahoo account, given that they are likely official records under the scope of Alaska’s law.

It also looks like the State Personnel Board’s investigation into Troopergate will be more aggressive than envisioned. It appears that the lead investigator, one Tim Petumenos, is a real pit bull, who has, “broadened to include other ethics complaints against the governor and examination of actions by other state employees.”

Then again the intent was not to cover up forever, it was to push it past election day, which it will.

In any case, in response to a request from the press for copies of emails to Todd “The First Dude” Palin from state officials, Palin is now saying that it will requre a payment of $15 million to process such a request, and that the records will not be turned over before the election.

What else is she hiding? This has gone from a standard Republican stonewall to something that would make Dick Cheney blush.

*Full disclosure, I actually helped to design designed a tool to, “cut a carcass a new one”, the Jarvis Products bung dropper. You can see a video of it in action here.

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