Viktor Yushchenko Calls Snap Elections in Ukraine

Fissures in the “Orange Revolution”.

The short story is that Ukranian President Yushchenko and Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko are on different sides of the ideological divide.

Yushchenko thinks that they should do everything possible to piss off the Russians, so that they will attack, and Tymoshenko looks at Georgia, and though she hates Russia too, she saw what happened in Georgia, and thinks that needlessly tweaking their nose, and overt hostility to the large Russian ethnic minority in Ukraine is stupid, and will not be to the benefit of the country.

Basically, Tymoshenko is saying that she is not opposed to wars, “just stupid ones,” to quote the next President of the United States and Yushchenko is approaching the issue with the calm demeanor of the current President of the United States.

Speaking from experience here, let me advise the Ukrainian people that having a leader with a messiah complex is a double plus bad thing.

See hrere, here, and here.

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