Town hall formats, and questions are lame.
So far, it’s clear that McCain is doing a pretty good impression of Bob Dole in 1976.
Not sure if this is good or bad….It’s clear that Barack Obama cannot be the “angry black man”, so he’s basically ignoring the attacks.
McCain saying that Obama’s tax policy is, “Like nailing jello to the wall,” false.
Obama says that McCain wants to cut taxes on Wall Street CEOs, True.
McCain says, “Lets have a commission,” on Social Security…That’s kicking it down the road…Obama should say that McCain wanted to put Social Security money in the hands of those Wall Street CEOs, which is true, but my money is on him not doing this.
Now, McCain is invoking Lieberman as a part of his bipartisan cred….Yeah, right…
Mentioning how nuclear will fix everything….Says that it’s clean, but won’t mention nuclear waste, and won’t mention that it takes about 15 years to build a new nuke plant…
Obama brings up McCain’s record voting against alternative energy over the past 23 years.
Brokaw is a clueless MoFo, asked if funding for alternative energy should be like a “Manhattan Project”, or “In a thousand garages, like Silicon Valley.”
Silicon Valley was created by military spending.
Obama on health care, mentions that McCain will tax your health benefit, good. Not calling it a tax increase on working Americans, not so great.
Ohhh….Mr. “I don’t use email” McCain is talking about how putting records online will save costs….snork.
He is now accusing that Obama will be fining struggling parents who can’t afford insurance, and raises myth of, “gold plated” insurance…Like you have as a senator?
Obama talks about his dying mother spending the last months of her life fighting with insurance. Nails McCain about voting against MHIP.
Mentions McCain’s idea of eliminating state regulations is like banks moving to Delaware.
Foreign policy: McCain does love that Iraq war, don’t he.
Final analysis: Obama in a decision.
McCain spent too much time saying, “Hey you kids, get off of my lawn.”