Now Palin is Now Plagiarizing Her Lies

Remember when political operatives maintained that Sarah Palin’s teleprompter broke and that she had to “wing it”?

Remember, that reports watching the speech, who were in a position to see the teleprompter, and saw that she was reading from a fully working teleprompter, and they could actually read it as she was talking, and that she followed the directions, such as adding emphasis at underlined texts, and pausing when the instruction “pause” was there.

It appears that someone was feeding Neanderbloggers and Drudge a load of crap

Well, now, apparently having run out of her own lies, Palin now feels compelled to use someone else’s lies:

At a fundraiser in Canton, Ohio, this evening, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin had an interesting description of her speech to the Republican convention.

“There Ohio was right out in front, right in front of me,” Palin said. “The teleprompter got messed up, I couldn’t follow it, and I just decided I’d just talk to the people in front of me. It was Ohio.”

It really is pathetic when a Republican runs out of lies to tell.

On the bright side for Ms. Palin, I do believe that it is a sign of the coming “Rapture”, which she has been waiting for with baited breath.

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