Sarah Palin Hates Rape Victims

In a new twist of Troopergate, the McCain campaign is saying that Palin fired public safety commissioner Walt Monegan because he was “insubordinate” over budget issues:

On May 7 of this year, Randy Ruaro, the governor’s deputy chief of staff, complained in an e-mail to Rehfeld, the budget director, that Monegan’s department “is constantly going off the reservation.”

“The last straw” leading up to Monegan’s firing, Van Flein wrote, was Monegan’s planned trip to Washington, D.C., to seek funding for a new, multimillion-dollar sexual assault initiative the governor hadn’t yet approved.

So, not only did she sign off regarding charging rape victims for rape kits, she is now saying that fired her public security director because he was looking for money to help rape victims.

Remember, Alaska has the highest per capita rape rate in the nation, and it appears that Palin is determined to punish the victims.

This is repugnant.

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