It Ain’t the McCain Clown Show Yet, But It’s Getting There

John McCain just freaked out conservatives by saying that Tom Ridge’s support for abortion rights would not rule him out as a VP pick.

This means that Lieberman might be on the short list too, as he is (barely) pro-choice, and I think that most of the freaking out is about the possibility of Joementum on the ticket. It’s not abortion, it’s pulling the lever for a Yid that gets to them.

In unrelated, except that it’s bad, news, Andrew McCain, John’s son sat on the audit committee of Silver State Bancorp until January of this year, bailing just before they posted enormous losses:

As of June 30, the bank said 14% of its $1.96 billion in total assets were nonperforming, up from 0.75% six months earlier. A year ago, its shares were trading for more than $18 on the Nasdaq Stock Market. They closed Thursday at 83 cents in Nasdaq 4 p.m. trading. The loss restatement was released after the market close.

And little Andy was on the audit committee, and bailed out before they started to tank.

Nothing to see here, move along.

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