Seriously, I am NOT Making this Sh*# Up!

Normally, when some women wants to clone her pit bull, and pays something in excess of 50 grand to a Korean cloning lab to do so I kind of shrug my shoulders, and figure, “another idiot with more money than brains”.

This is further reinforced by the fact that the dog’s name is “Booger”.

However, the case of Bernann McKinney, the coverage of her dog cloning brought her, and her photograph to the attention of a number of people who say that she bears a disturbing similarity to one former Miss Wyoming, Joyce McKinney (see also here and here), who achieved some noteriety in the 1970s in the UK:

For those whose knowledge of news stretches back no further than the launch of Eudora, Joyce McKinney was the former Miss Wyoming who was accused in 1977 of stalking Kirk Anderson, young Mormon Missionary, all the way from Utah to Ewell in Surrey, before kidnapping him and spiriting him away to a cottage in Dorset. There, she allegedly chained him to a bed and forced herself upon him – three times – while wearing a see-through negligee. (Her, not him. He was apparently wearing a Mormon chastity garment, and presumably a pained expression.)

The object of Joyce McKinney’s affections eventually escaped her mink-lined handcuffs. She and an accomplice were charged with kidnapping, but she insisted it was consensual. Joyce escaped the UK using a false passport and disguised as a member of a mime troupe, but not before declaring in court that her love for the mink-restrained Mormon was such that: “I’d ski naked down Mount Everest with a carnation up my nose if he asked me.”

(emphasis mine)

BTW, she has now admitted that the is, in fact, that Joyce McKinney.

Seriously, if someone wrote this in a novel, the editor would send it back with a not saying that it was simply too weird to be believable.

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