Barack Obama: Fire Cass Sunstein

BTD at Talkleft has the goods:

It appears that Sunstein has suggested that only the “Egregious Crimes” of Bush and His Evil Minions be pursued under an Obama administration.

While both BTD and I agree that the standard of Jonathan Turley on Olbermann, that all crimes by the executive are “egregious”, is excessive (Turley supported impeachment over “Monicagate”).

I would further argue that pursuing all the “high crimes and misdemeanors” of the Bush administration would not be possible, as there are simply too few lawyers in Washington, DC to do this.

That being said, there are certain crimes that must be pursued, because otherwise it subverts the rule of law, which is already quite weak inside the Beltway.

What sort of crimes? Things like illegal wiretapping, WHICH CASS SUNSTEIN SUPPORTED, and the military kangaroo courts of Gitmo detainees, WHICH CASS SUNSTEIN SUPPORTED (See here and here).

He justifies them by supporting the proposition that we elect a king with unlimited power every 4 years.

This should be reason enough to remove him completely from the campaign, and from any position in your future administration.

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