Mugabe: African Union calls for national unity government in Zimbabwe | World news | The Guardian

As is expected, the African Union studiously avoided any criticism of Mugabe, though it did call for a unity government.

This is to be expected. After all many of these leaders are in place through electoral processes that are similar to what happened in Zimbabwe, though obviously less extreme.

The AU is hoping for something similar to what happened in Kenya, where the person who stole the election remained in power but had to throw some patronage positions to the oppositions.

Meanwile, Tsvangirai has declined to negotiate a junior position in a unity government. He is saying that conditions are not right for talks.

This is not surprising, considering that violence and murder are still going on.

Additionally, I believe that Tsvangirai is explicitly rejecting any involvement in the negotiations by Thabo Mbeki, which is not surprising, since Mbeki is Mugabe’s butt boy.

The EU is calling Mugabe’s government illegitimate, and demanding that » Tsvangirai lead any unity government, though, unsurprisingly South Africa is rejecting both.

An indication that the instability may spread is the fact that Botswana has sealed off its border with Zimbabwe.

It’s unclear whether this is because it intends to sever relations, or if it is worried about refugee flows, or both.

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