Tonya Harding Option? I Call Bull$#@&!

So we have Jake Tapper of ABC News reporting that a “Democratic Party official, who asked for anonymity”, which could be anyone from Howard Dean to the guy who gets the coffee, saying, “Her securing the nomination is certainly possible – but it will require exercising the ‘Tonya Harding option.'” and then adding “Is that really what we Democrats want?”

While I appreciate Tapper’s skills in parlaying a couple of dates with Monica Lewinski into a heavy duty “reporting” gig, first with Salon, and then with better paying media, he’s a still a wanker.

He spent all of 2000 hating on Al Gore, because he missed a flight because they did not hold the press plane for him.

First, if this were someone senior, say someone of my generation (I’m 45) or older, they would not use this term.

Second, he didn’t use the term “senior”, which he would have used if it were defensible.

Furthermore, notwithstanding the use of the quote by some of the hyperventilating elements of the blogosphere, what we have here is someone, and someone not particularly senior saying what has been the standard line for places like MSNBC for some time: that Hillary Clinton is “destroying the party”.

A lot of people are hyperventilating about a story with no “there” there, which I’m sure tickles Mr. Tapper no end.

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